Swim Badges now live

Our new Swim Badges are now available, swimmers must have uploaded 5 swims to start collecting badges on their profile, simply click on the badge icon to see which badges you have already earned.
We have added an initial list of 30 badges and will make more available to keep swimmers motivated to set themselves new goals and progress in the pool.

New User Landing Pages

SWIMTAG operators can now direct users from their own website or social media content to a customised registration page to get new swimmers registered with SWIMTAG. Use the link www.swimtag.net/register/your-company-name to direct users directly to a landing page that loads your list of pools so that swimmers don't need to find your pools by searching our database.
For example Places Leisure could use the link www.swimtag.net/register/places-leisure 


The SWIMTAG team will be attending the International Health, Racket and Sportsclub Association (IHRSA) Annual International Convention and Trade Show in San Diego on the 19th & 20th March 2020 - Booth 4048. 
The event is expected to have over 12,000 attendees from 80+ countries and 400+ exhibitors, IHRSA is an annual 2 day trade show and conference attracting the industry's best and brightest professions from around the globe. 
Kieran Sloyan, Managing Director of 222 Sports, the company behind SWIMTAG said "Launching in the United States has been something we've been planning for a while and we're very excited to exhibit at IHRSA to meet with prospective clients and introduce SWIMTAG to the US. We've spent over 10 years refining SWIMTAG based on feedback from users and operators in the UK and Europe, adding new features and refining the design as new technologies have emerged. We have a solid track record in Europe and we have collated evidence that demostrates how SWIMTAG motivates swimmers to swim further, swim more often and in turn, remain members for longer at sports and health clubs offering our technology to their members".
Business Development Manager Colin Scott added "The IHRSA Convention will not only be an opportunity to meet potential new clients, it will also give us a chance to learn more about the health and fitness market in the USA. Pools in the UK are always finding new ways to use SWIMTAG to motivate swimmers and we pride ourselves on developing the product to meet the needs of pool operators. So we're looking forward to showing attendees at the IHRSA show what we already offer and getting feedback from people who attend the show, on how the needs of the US market may differ from the European market".
The IHRSA Annual Convention and Trade Show takes place at the San Diego Convention Center from the 18th - 21st March with the Trade Show open in 19th and 20th March. 

SWIMTAG Team at CIMSPA & Quest NBS Conference

The SWIMTAG Team will once again be attending the CIMSPA and Quest Conference on Thursday 27 February 2020, being held this year at Pride Park Stadium in Derby.

The conference is one of the most anticipated events on the Leisure Industry Calendar and this year the keynote speakers will be Tim Hollingsworth, CEO of Sport England and David Thomson an expert in behavioural change.

The SWIMTAG team will have a stand on the conference floor and we look forward to meeting participants at the event. Come and speak to us to find out more about our new Windows based software which has made a SWIMTAG installation more affordable than ever before. Chat to us about our new 2nd Generation Lane Displays, coming out in the Spring time and hear more about our latest case studies which show how existing SWIMTAG pools have managed to generate a great return on their investment and invigorated their pool offering with a SWIMTAG installation.

We also look forward to meeting existing clients, so if you are already a SWIMTAG Operator, please stop and say hello! We can chat to you about the new Windows software, which many existing pools are adopting in order to save space on their reception desks, let you see the new lane displays and if you'd like help creating challenges and boosting your SWIMTAG numbers, we can give you advice or arrange a longer chat in the days following the conference.

SWIMTAG integrates with Svøm Langt swim campaign

Svøm Langt is a Norwegian national swim campaign that runs each year with the aim of getting as many people as possible to swim a course (10,000m for adults and 2,500m for children) between 1st January and 31st March, everyone who completes the distance is then eligable to win a prize, this years prize being a holiday to Malaga!

The campaign has been running every year since 1997 organised by the Norweigan Swimming Association and has relied on swimmers logging their distance manually and being checked by staff at the pools.

In 2020 we are pleased to announce that swimmers at any of the 21 swimming pools in Norwary equipped with SWIMTAG can link their Svøm Langt entry with SWIMTAG so that their distance is automatically tracked following each swim.

  info (@) swimtag.no

+47 99778333

Swimtag Nordic AS, Leitevegen 7, 5531.Haugesund, Norge

